Anyone who has looked at our work has probably concluded that we love evening light. And we do. But we also love the long rays of morning. It's just harder to get up to appreciate them.
A few days ago we started up the Columbia just before sunrise. We got to Rooster Rock and in five minutes recorded the Dawn of Day.
I was hanging from the trunk of a tree just as the sun broke through, illuminating not only the area upriver but the swamp just below me.
This shot was taken within seconds of the one above. It is a 'closer up' of the right side of the that picture. I loved the eerie fog.
Two minutes later the light had shifted again due to cloud movement. That's Beacon Rock on the left.
The heavy clouds overhead have created a tunnel effect. Like coming out of a tunnel.
Right-side detail again with less of the blue dawn-light that had been present five minutes before.
These landscapes were born for the big screen. Hope you enjoy them.